
ALOHA, folks! My name is Aron Parker, and thanks for visiting my website. Click around to read more about me and my thinkingful thoughts, listen to my voiceover demos (coming soon), or see my photos (which right now are mostly pretty pictures of birds and bugs). And most importantly, . . . HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Aron’s Latest Bloggery

Flying Hearts & Trippin’ Squirrels

Flying Hearts & Trippin’ Squirrels

Here are a few photos from my brief stroll through the Niles Staging Area of the Alameda Creek Regional Trail yesterday: • I saw a very unusual cloud in the sky above me. Obviously, love was in the air! ❤️ I named this cloud Amelia. . . . Amelia...

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Live Más?

Live Más?

Apparently, they finally reopened the Taco Bell in Sonoma! Yaaaaaay!!!!

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Eristalis Tenax

Eristalis Tenax

“A bee, or not a bee? That is the question.” Answer: Not a bee. It’s a drone fly hanging out on our backyard lilac tree. Fun facts: • The drone...

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The Melancholy Sparrow

The Melancholy Sparrow

The Melancholy Sparrow: This golden-crowned sparrow was in our backyard today munching on seeds from miner’s lettuce and other assorted “weeds," all...

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Who Needs Cardinals?

Who Needs Cardinals?

I've always been sad that I've never seen a Cardinal in person, and bummed that they don't visit the West Coast. While grays and browns are...

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Contact Aron

9 + 13 =

“Aron is a good person and he tries hard, so I give him my wholehearted endorsement. . . . Although I wish he would call more often.”

Aron's Mom

Mother of Aron
