
ALOHA, folks! My name is Aron Parker, and thanks for visiting my website. Click around to read more about me and my thinkingful thoughts, listen to my voiceover demos (coming soon), or see my photos (which right now are mostly pretty pictures of birds and bugs). And most importantly, . . . HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Aron’s Latest Bloggery

Nesting Season

Nesting Season

It's nesting season again in our Sonoma Valley back yard! The nuthatches are back in their Nuthatch Villa. They've chosen the same box several years in a row now. A jealous Nuttall's woodpecker wanted to get in on the nesting action, eying an...

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Beach Escape

Beach Escape

Several days ago, we visited the beach for the first time since forever. (Forever being anytime before the pandemic started.) It was a nice escape...

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Rockin’ Robin

Rockin’ Robin

There's just something peaceful about robins. I heard some pleasant singing outside yesterday evening and followed it out to our front yard. There I...

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Feathers Day

Feathers Day

Last week, my wife and I visited her parents in Fremont to celebrate Father's Day. After several days of temperatures reaching up to 108°F in...

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Wine Country

Wine Country

I have discovered that living in Wine Country is . . . . . . DOVE-VINE. (Ba dum tss! ) Eurasian Collared-Dove in Sonoma Valley, California Its...

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Contact Aron

13 + 2 =

“Aron is a good person and he tries hard, so I give him my wholehearted endorsement. . . . Although I wish he would call more often.”

Aron's Mom

Mother of Aron
